Itxiera Atal honen itsasartea gurekin bero bat emateko sortu etorri fase jarraitzen, its amazing how you become more skilled at controlling the papa or even ‘papas’ with more than one on the board at a time! Aurrera!
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Ongietorri Pearibbean Pirates izateko! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the…
Noizean behin, eta, ondoren, (eta erregulartasuna handitzeko behin digituak hirukoitza hit duzu) you come…
Weirdly nahikoa ez denek gozatzen jolas (Eskubidea ezagutzen dut?) In fact there are those who…
Orain duzu ondo izango da zure ona Papa madari inprimaki ezartzeko bidean,…
Denek saga eskuin ona maite? And Papa Pear isn't