Fàilte gu Pirates of the Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the rugged Fruity Forest you are well on your way to Papa mastery…only 300 neònach a dhol! Faodaidh mi a ràdh mus sin ach tha ìrean air leth cudromach mar stèidh ionnsachadh, each new element to the game is introduced gradually making subsequent harder levels a fun challenge not an overwhelmingly difficult task that leaves you contemplating the effects of throwing your phone into the duck pond…yes well we wont talk about that! ‘
Ìre 16 a 'mìneachadh dhuinn falbh a-steach do ghorm ud thall leis an obair a' lasadh suas an fheadhainn spunky cuinneagan, le beagan cnapan-starra an t-slighe gu dearbh. le 90 000 puingean a chosnadh a tha thu a 'dol a dh'fheumas a h-uile aon de d' 20 Papas! Tha mi a 'moladh an toiseach
The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the…
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
A h-uile a-nis agus an uair sin (agus le 'sìor fhàs cumanta aon uair a bhuaileas tu trì meuran-aireamh) you come…
Weirdly gu leòr a h-uile duine nach eil a 'còrdadh gaming (Tha fios agam ceart?) In fact there are those who…
Le a-nis bidh thu gu math air do shlighe gu math stèidheachadh Papa peuran foirm,…
H-uile duine air a bheil gaol math Saga deas? And Papa Pear isn't