Categories: Papa Pear Saga

???????? ???????????? Papa ????? ?????????? ?? Facebook

Notifications can really upset some people…fools!

Weirdly ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ????????? (?? ?????, ?? ???? ??) ? ???, ??? ?????, ????? ???? ? ?????? ?????? ?, ??? ?? ????????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ????? ??? * ??????????????? * Shock ?????? ????????? ?? ????? ???????! ??? ??????????? ??? ?, ?? ??? ?? ??? ????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????????? hopping ???????????? ????? upsetting ??? ????? ??????????!

  • ???? ??? ????????????! ?????? ????? Facebook ?????????? `??? ?????? ????? ??????????, ????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????, ?? ??? ?????, ?? ?????, ?? ??????? ?????? ?, ??????? ?????? ?????????? ??????, ????? ?????? (?? ?? ?? ??????? ?, ???? ? ?????) ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????????, ????????, ??? ??? - ?? ???? ??, ??? tech ??????????????, ????? ????? ?? ????????? ???? accidently ??????, ?? ??????, ?? ??? ? ??. Դուք պետք է վերջ բանավեճը մեկ անգամ, եւ բոլորի համար կարգավիճակով, Դուք պետք է պարզել, թե ով է խաղում, եւ կարիք կյանքը, ինչպես վատ, ինչպես եք, ????? ????????? ? ?? ??????? ? ????? ????? (????????? FarmVille ?????????????!) ?? ??????? չի հետաքրքրում, ????, or can’t stand game requests…yep they have a way of letting people know, ??????????? ??????????!

  • Once you know who your ‘true’ friends are start making a smart list, create this in your privacy settings and add people by clicking on ‘Friend’ this will give you the option to delete or ‘Edit Friends list’, ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????????! ??? ?? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ??? ?????????, ??? ????????? ??????????????? Facebook (???????????, ????????, ????????? ??? ???????????!)
  • ???? ????? ?? ????????? ????????? ?????????? Papa ????? ?????????????? ?????? ????????????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???????? ????????????????, ??? ??????? ? ?????????? ??????? ??? ???????????? ???????????????, ??????????????,!
  • ??? ?????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ??????????????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????, ??? ???? ?????? ??? - ?? ???
Isobella ?????????

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella ?????????

?????? ??????????

Papa Pear – Levels 23 – 30

The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the

11 years ago

Papa ???? Tips ????? ????? ??????????????

The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – Levels 16- 22

???? ??????? Pirates of the Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the

11 years ago

Papa ????? ????????? 111

???? ???? ?? ??? (?? ???? ???????????????, ??? ???? ???????? ????? ???????????) you come

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – ???????????? 8-15

??? ???? ???? ???? ? ???? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????? Papa ????? ???,…

11 years ago

Pope ???? Saga ?????, ??????????? ?? ????????

?????? ?????? ? ??? saga ????????? And Papa Pear isn't

11 years ago