Nau mai ki Pirates o te Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the rugged Fruity Forest you are well on your way to Papa mastery…only 300 rerek? ki te haere! Kia mea i ahau i te aroaro o te reira engari he nui m?haro rite te turanga ako i enei taumata, each new element to the game is introduced gradually making subsequent harder levels a fun challenge not an overwhelmingly difficult task that leaves you contemplating the effects of throwing your phone into the duck pond…yes well we wont talk about that! ‘
Taumata 16 whakatakoto tatou atu ki te tua puru ki te mahi o te whakaatu ki te hunga peere spunky, ki te torutoru tutukitanga i te ara o te akoranga. Ki te 90 000 Kei te haere ng? ki te whiwhi koe ki te hiahia nga tangata katoa o to koutou 20 potato! T?tohu e ahau i te tuatahi te wh?inga tiketike me te pakeke ki te tiki etahi titi te ahi i runga i te poari, me te tahu tou ara ki etahi whika tika
The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the…
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Katoa, aianei, a ka (a ki te whakanui ake i rite i mua hit koutou mati takitoru) you come…
E kore Weirdly nui katoa pai petipeti (E mohio ana ahau e tika ana?) In fact there are those who…
By Na ka koutou pai ki runga ki to koutou ara ki te whakat? pai puka pea Papa,…
E aroha katoa i te pai tika putaputa? And Papa Pear isn't