Categories: Papa Pear Saga

?jiel Saga Pope lan?as, tips u tricks

Howdy Papa!

Kul?add i?obb dritt Saga tajba? U Papa Pear mhux

Isobella Franki

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella Franki

Karigi riċenti

Papa Pear – Livelli 23 – 30

The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the

11 years ago

Tips Papa lan?as g?al livelli diffi?li

The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – Livelli 16- 22

Mer?ba g?all Pirates ta 'l-Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the

11 years ago

Livell lan?as Papa 111

U mbag?ad kull issa (u ma '?ieda regolarit) you come

11 years ago

?estjoni tieg?ek ?bieb Papa lan?as u Facebook

Weirdly bi??ejjed mhux kul?add igawdi log?ob (Naf dritt?) In fact there are those who

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – livelli 8-15

Sa issa int se tkun ukoll fuq tieg?ek mod biex jistabbilixxi tajba forma lan?as Papa,…

11 years ago