Categories: Papa Hru

Úroveň Papa hruška 111

Tu a tam (a s rast) narazíte na Papa hruška, spomaľovacie vlnu '. This saga is relatively fast paced in the beginning as you gradually get the hang of perfecting your Papas’ speed and trajectory. Je pravda niektoré úrovne sú ťažšie ako ostatní, ale to zvyčajne znamená, že ste nenašli ten správny spôsob, ako dokončiť svoje ciele, some of these are not as straight forward as they appear…and then there are levels like 111.

T, knock out 45 mrkva a z 150 000 body ..(pros, verte mi, ) ale vyzer 111 Je HARD! to vy!


Prv, zapam, V tomto pr. Teraz v ide, To v. Pohrajte sa s t, m. Ver, dve po.

?o je to . Mrkvu na spodn. Praktický tip na pamäti, keď sa trafil granát kolík (tie zelen) s u, to papa potom naf!

Isobella Franks

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella Franks


Papa Hru – úrovne 23 – 30

The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the

11 years ago

Papa hru

The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate

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Papa Hru – úrovne 16- 22

Vitajte na Pir! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the

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Spravovanie va

Dos? podivne nie ka (Viem, ?) In fact there are those who

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Papa Hru – úrovne 8-15

Od teraz bude v,…

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P, tipy a triky

Ka? And Papa Pear isn't

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