The dzokugumisa yakamanika chino anopfuurira kutipa rudo nokuda matanho kuuya, its amazing how you become more skilled at controlling the papa or even ‘papas’ with more than one on the board at a time! Kuvira!
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Tinokutambira Pirates of Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the…
Pano neapo (uye kuwedzera nguva dzose kamwe waguma digits nekatatu) you come…
Weirdly handiko wose anofarira uchitamba mutambo wacho (Ndinoziva kodzero?) In fact there are those who…
By zvino uchange zvakanaka munzira yako pave zvakanaka Papa peya fomu,…
Munhu wose anoda zvakanaka the saga kodzero? And Papa Pear isn't