Categories: Papa Pear Saga

?????????????????????????????????? Facebook

Notifications can really upset some people…fools!

?????????????????????????????????????????? (????????????????????) ?????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????????????? Facebook ????????????? * ??? * ??????????????????????? newsfeed ?????????! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? upsetting ?????????????????????????????!

  • ????????????????! ?????????????? Facebook ????????? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????, ????????? app ?????????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????????) ??????????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????????????????????????????, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. คุณจะจบการอภิปรายและทุกครั้งที่มีสถานะเป็น, คุณจะพบคนที่เล่นและความต้องการของชีวิตไม่ดีเท่าคุณ, ??? sympathizes ??????????????????????? (?????????? Farmville!) ????????? ????? ไม่ได้ดูแล, ????, or can’t stand game requests…yep they have a way of letting people know, ?????????????????!

  • Once you know who your ‘true’ friends are start making a smart list, create this in your privacy settings and add people by clicking on ‘Friend’ this will give you the option to delete or ‘Edit Friends list’, ?????????????????????????????????????! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Facebook (??????????, ??????, ???????????? GAMERS!)
  • ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ?????????????????????????????, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
  • ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Isobella ??????

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella ??????

??????????????? ?

?????????? – ????? 23 – 30

The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the

11 years ago

???????? Papa Pear ????????

The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – ????? 16- 22

?????????????????????? Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the

11 years ago

??????????????? 111

????????????? (????????????????????????????????????????????) you come

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – ????? 8-15

?????????????????????????????????????????????? Papa ????????????,…

11 years ago

?????????????????? Pear ??????? Saga, ?????????????????

????????????????????????????????? And Papa Pear isn't

11 years ago