Aksiyada Ba'zi Papa Pins!
Papa Pear booster pins are the equivalent of Candy crushes’ special candies and super combinations. Sizning Papa Pear faqat to'g'ri yo'l bilan kemada atrofida tashlab oling va tegishlicha har yaxshilik o'z ta'mga ega ekanligini besh maxsus igna biri bilan taqdirlandi etiladi! taxta pinlere bir Papa Armut urib kerak bir marta faollashtirilgan bo'lishi, PIN nok harakatlar haqida bo'ladi qarab
The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the…
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Pearibbean Pirates xush kelibsiz! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the…
Har hozir va keyin (va ortib borayotgan muntazam bilan uch raqamdan urdi marta) you come…
Weirdly etarli emas har bir o'yin ega (Men bilaman, to'g'rimi?) In fact there are those who…
Endi siz yo'lga yaxshi, Papa nok shaklidagi uchun yo'lda yaxshi bo'ladi,…