Papa Pear Saga Facebook ngumdlalo ukusuka eKing, kubabhekisi phambili be Candy Crush kunye Pet Rescue Saga.
Injongo yomdlalo kukuba eluncedo Papa Pear ebuyile ehlabathini kwihlabathi ngokubalulekileyo wacky of izikhonkwane elinuka, imbewu kunye nobomvu crazy. Kufuneka ukuba zikhanyise yonke amabhakethi rhoqo ezantsi kwekhusi. Ngenxa ukucwangciswa ngenyameko ejolise ungenza kakhulu amandla angapheli Papa Pear kaThixo. Amakhuba abahlobo bakho ukuba linqaku ilungileyo ngaphezu 100 fun, elinuka kunye namazinga nanini umngeni.
Lixesha isigqila fast and fun enkulu!
The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the…
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Wamkelekile Pirates of the Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the…
Nangoku nagokuya (kwaye njalo okwandayo kanye undibetha kathathu) you come…
Isimanga eyaneleyo wonke umntu axhamle zomdlalo (Ndiyayazi kulungile?) In fact there are those who…
Ukuzothi ga ngoku uya kuba kakuhle ngendlela yakho ekusekeni ifomu eliphakathi Papa elungileyo,…