Categories: Papa Pear Saga

Papa Pear SagaLevels 16- 22

Welcome to Pirates of the Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the rugged Fruity Forest you are well on your way to Papa mastery…only 300 odd to go! I may have said it before but these levels are incredibly important as a learning foundation, each new element to the game is introduced gradually making subsequent harder levels a fun challenge not an overwhelmingly difficult task that leaves you contemplating the effects of throwing your phone into the duck pond…yes well we wont talk about that!

Nivel 16

Nivel 16 sets us off into the blue yonder with the task of lighting up those spunky buckets, with a few obstacles along the way of course. With 90 000 points to earn you are going to need every one of your 20 papas! I recommend initially

Isobella Franks

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella Franks

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