Categories: Papa Pear Saga

Managing Papa Pear yakho abangani Facebook

Notifications can really upset some people…fools!

Weirdly eyanele akuwona wonke uyawuthanda udlala (Ngiyazi kwesokudla?) Eqinisweni kuba khona labo uthole zazo cranky uma isaziso ihlala ekhasini yabo facebook noma * befuzela * shock horror siphelela newsfeed yabo! Okuhle kukhona ezinye izindlela ezinkulu ukuze ondle isidingo sakho izimpilo kanye ezingeni hopping nosizo ngaphandle kahle lezo abangane olubucayi yilezi!

  • Thola umbimbi akho! Ukuxosha a bizo isimo Facebook phezu kwazo zonke abangane abadlala Papa Pear ukuba memeza futhi ake niyazi, Ngiyazi uhlelo lokusebenza ivame bakha uhlu abantu abadlala (ngubani it ecabanga kumele udlale) kepha lezi Cant kube lathembela ngempela, ikakhulukazi uma umuntu akuyona savvy tech too, Kungenzeka bona ogunyaziwe the game ngephutha ukuzama futhi ukuthola ukuthi siyini. Uzoba ukuqeda impikiswano unomphela nge isimo, uzothola ukuthi ubani odlala futhi udinga izimpilo nababi njengawe, ngubani uyazwelana futhi ezimisele ukusiza (abashisekeli ngokuvamile farmville!) ngubani ngempela akanandaba, like, or can’t stand game requests…yep they have a way of letting people know, NGOKUVAMILE kakhulu!

  • Once you know who your ‘true’ friends are start making a smart list, create this in your privacy settings and add people by clicking on ‘Friend’ this will give you the option to delete or ‘Edit Friends list’, faka lokhu bese wengeza ukuba ohlwini lwakho smart! ke a yayo udaba simane sikhethe le ndlela lapho ukuthumela ku-Facebook (umphakathi, abangani, abangabajwayele noma GAMERS!)
  • Ungakwazi wengeze akubo okungahleliwe Papa Pear abalandeli ngokuphepha nge ubeka imingcele yokufinyelela yabo emininingwaneni yakho, aholele ukuze uhlale uhlola izilungiselelo zakho zangasese noma kunjalo!
  • Uma unenkinga nge okuthunyelwe lokusebenza egameni lakho njalo uma ukufezekisa into
Isobella Franks

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella Franks

Posts kwakamuva

Papa Pear – Amazinga 23 – 30

The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the

11 years ago

Papa Pear Amathiphu amazinga Okunzima

The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – Amazinga 16- 22

Siyakwamukela ku-Pirates of the Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the

11 years ago

Papa eliphakathi kwe Izinga 111

Ngezikhathi nezikhathi (futhi nge njalo okwandayo uma hit ephindwe kathathu) you come

11 years ago

Papa Pear Saga – amazinga 8-15

Manje-ke ngeke kube kuhle endaweni okufanele ufike kuyo ukusungula okuhle ifomu Papa nakala,…

11 years ago

Pope Pear Saga Amacebo, Interesting

Everybody uthanda a omuhle Saga ilungelo? And Papa Pear isn't

11 years ago