Categories: Papa Pear Saga

Papa pear theem 111

Txhua tam sim no thiab ces (thiab nrog nce ib txwm li ib zaug koj ntaus triple leb) koj tuaj nyob ib Papa txiv moj coos 'ceev ib lub menyuam pob'. This saga is relatively fast paced in the beginning as you gradually get the hang of perfecting your Papas’ speed and trajectory. Ntxhias ib co ntau ntau nyuaj tshaj lwm leej lwm tus tab sis qhov no feem ntau txhais tau tias koj tsis tau pom txoj cai txoj kev mus ua kom tiav koj cov hom phiaj, some of these are not as straight forward as they appear…and then there are levels like 111.

Qhov no theem muaj ib tug raug ncaj rau pem hauv ntej lub hom phiaj, khob tawm 45 carrots thiab khwv tau nyiaj ib yam tsawg kawg nkaus ntawm 150 000 ntsiab lus ..(thov hlub nco qab ntsoov txog lub ntsiab lus, cia siab rau kuv tsis muaj dab tsi ntau frustrating tshaj thaum kawg popping tias txawj dim kawg carrot thiab tuaj txog luv luv rau cov ntsiab lus) tab sis looks nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv no yog raws li deceiving 111 yog nyuaj! nws yuav tsum tau ib me ntsis kev txawj thiab heev tejzaum nws ib tug ntau ntawm hmoov!

Sim ua kom tsim koj tua hluav taws pins ib tug tseem ceeb

Thawj yam koj ua tau yog ua ib co hluav taws pins, nco qab tias nws no yog ua los ntawm bouncing ib pear los ntawm ib sab ntawm qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam mus rau lwm, nyob rau hauv rooj plaub no nws tseem ceeb heev tias koj ua li no ua ntej thawj lub liab chilies yog pov tseg. Tam sim no hom phiaj koj muaj peev xwm tsim ob lub tua hluav taws los ntawm pins pib tag nrho fais fab tua mus rau sab saum toj sab laug ces sai sai tag nrho fais fab tua mus rau sab saum toj txoj cai, no txawm li cas los tsuas yog ua hauj lwm yog hais tias koj lub sij hawm nws txoj cai pub kom lub ob papas ntaus txhua lwm yam raws li lawv hla nyob rau hauv nruab nrab. Ua si ib ncig nrog no qhib tua, tej zaum koj yuav kom nws ua hauj lwm tua ob pins mus rau sab laug los yog sab xis. Kuv ntseeg hais tias muaj tsawg kawg yog ob hluav taws pins rau lub rooj tsavxwm yog qhov tseem ceeb rau txoj kev vam meej, lub ob hluav taws pins twb nyob rau lub rooj tsavxwm thaum pib yog nyob ze tsis yooj yim sua kom qhib rau lawv tus kheej thiab lub luag hauj lwm zoo tshaj plaws uas lawv ua si yog mus ntev lub neej ntawm koj tua hluav taws Papa.

Yuav ua li cas ua rau theem no tricky tsuas yog cov kev ntseeg ntawm cov carrots nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm lub yuas qos laj pieces. Lub carrots nyob rau hauv qab cov ces kaum yog tus yooj yim ntaus yog hais tias koj qhib ib lub tua hluav taws nawj luaj thawj kab ntawm berries thiab keej ib qhov chaw nyob rau hauv cov carrots mus qhib lub hoob pob tsis pub dhau tus pin. Ib tug muab rau nyiaj yuav tsum nco ntsoov yog yog hais tias koj tsoo ib lub hoob pob nawj (ntsuab sawv daws) nrog ib tug twb flaming Papa, no Papa ces inflates txawm ntxiv nyob rau hauv loj tsim deb ntau deg tsam thiab nce cov tej zaum ntawm qhovcub li ib txhia txiv kab ntxwv crunchies!

Isobella Franks

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella Franks

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