Lub kaw ti ntawm seem no tseem muab rau peb ib tug sov so rau tus ua sawv tuaj, its amazing how you become more skilled at controlling the papa or even ‘papas’ with more than one on the board at a time! ONWARDS!
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Zoo siab txais tos rau pirates ntawm lub Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the…
Txhua tam sim no thiab ces (thiab nrog nce ib txwm li ib zaug koj ntaus triple leb) you come…
Weirdly txaus tsis txhua leej txhua tus thiaj txaus siab Gaming (Kuv paub cai?) In fact there are those who…
Los ntawm tam sim no koj yuav tau zoo nyob rau hauv koj txoj kev uas yuav tsim zoo Papa pear daim ntawv,…
Txhua leej txhua tus hlub ib tug zoo Saga cai? And Papa Pear isn't