Tongasoa eto Pirates ny Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the rugged Fruity Forest you are well on your way to Papa mastery…only 300 hafahafa ny handeha! Mba efa nilaza azy eo anoloan'ny fa izy ireto no mampino haavon'ny manan-danja toy ny fianarana fototra, each new element to the game is introduced gradually making subsequent harder levels a fun challenge not an overwhelmingly difficult task that leaves you contemplating the effects of throwing your phone into the duck pond…yes well we wont talk about that! ‘
Level 16 mametraka anay ho eo an-manga hankerỳ amin'ny asa ny Manazava ireo spunky siny, amin'ny sakana vitsivitsy teny an-dalana mazava ho azy. miaraka 90 000 hevitra mba hahazoana halehanao mba mila rehetra ny 20 papas! I fahazoan-dalana voalohany
The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the…
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate…
Rehetra izao, ary avy eo (ary mitombo tapaka Rehefa namely telo isa) you come…
Tsy ny rehetra Weirdly ampy tia lalao (haiko tsara?) In fact there are those who…
By izao ianao dia ho tsara eo amin'ny fomba fanorenana tsara Papa poara teny,…
Ny olona rehetra tia ny tsara Iny resabe iny dia marina? And Papa Pear isn't