Categories: Papa poara Saga

Poara Papa Tips for sarotra ambaratonga

Ny fomba hanatona isaky ny Papa poara ambaratonga manana fiantraikany lehibe eo amin'ny fahombiazana na ny tsy fahombiazana farany. Raha ny tanjona isaky ny ambaratonga dia mazava ny fomba tsara indrindra izay hiatrika ireo tanjona matetika mety ho kely kokoa ny alim-. Indraindray misy vitsivitsy hamantatra izany, sopapa sy ny fika fa afaka ianarana avy ireo izay niady mafy loha eo anatrehanao!

  • Level 77

    Know when to ‘burn’ and when to cool that sizzle – Flaming Papa are great, afaka neutralize pesky spiky dia vokatra, fa ny Papa intsony hatsiaka, dia afaka mandoro alalan'ny chilis, voaroy, acorns & karaoty haingana kokoa ary ireo zava-dehibe noho ny poketra ny pea pods fa niely maitso kely ny hafainganam-pandeha ao an-dalana mikitoatoana. Na izany aza, raha mba mahalala mavitrika mitady afo tsimatra, ary rehefa mba tsy azy akory ny vola lany Tena ilaina. Misy ambaratonga toy ny Level 77 na 90.

  • Jereo koa Candy manorotoro lalao Download!
Isobella Franks

Enthusiastic games and technology blogger.

Published by
Isobella Franks

Lahatsoratra farany

Papa poara – Levels 23 – 30

The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the

11 years ago

Papa poara Saga – Levels 16- 22

Tongasoa eto Pirates ny Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the

11 years ago

Poara Papa ambaratonga 111

Rehetra izao, ary avy eo (ary mitombo tapaka Rehefa namely telo isa) you come

11 years ago

Fitantanana ny Papa poara namana sy Facebook

Tsy ny rehetra Weirdly ampy tia lalao (haiko tsara?) In fact there are those who

11 years ago

Papa poara Saga – ambaratonga 8-15

By izao ianao dia ho tsara eo amin'ny fomba fanorenana tsara Papa poara teny,…

11 years ago

Papa poara Saga hamantatra izany, soso-kevitra sy ny fitaka

Ny olona rehetra tia ny tsara Iny resabe iny dia marina? And Papa Pear isn't

11 years ago