Cie?nina zamkni?cie tego rozdzia?u nadal daje nam ciep?e si? na przysz?ych etapach, its amazing…
Witamy w Piraci z Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the rugged Fruity Forest you are…
Od czasu do czasu (z coraz wi?ksz? regularno?ci? i raz trafisz potr) you come across a Papa Pear 'speed…
Do?? dziwnie nie ka?dy lubi gier (Wiem, ?e prawo?) In fact there are those who get downright cranky when a…
Od teraz b?dziesz na dobrej drodze do ustanowienia dobr? form? Papa gruszka, it takes a little to…
Witamy w pierwszym etapie podr, or as its commonly known 'the Fruity Forest'. Like with…
Papa Pear booster pins are the equivalent of Candy crushes' special candies and super combinations. Get your Papa Pear thrown…
Kr! They have managed to release yet another terrifyingly addictive and vibrant game that bounces right…