The closing strait of this section continues to give us a warm up for the stages to come, its amazing how you become more skilled at controlling the papa or even ‘papas’ with more than one on the board at a time! ONWARDS!
Papa Pear Tips for Difficult levels
The way you approach each Papa Pear level has a huge impact on your ultimate success or failure. While the objectives in each level are clear the best way in which to meet these objectives can often be a little more obscure. Sometimes there are a few hints, tips and tricks that you can learn from those who have stubbornly battled before you!
Know when to ‘burn’ and when to cool that sizzle – Flaming Papa are great, they can neutralise pesky spiky fruit that stop your papa cold, they can burn through chilis, berries, acorns & carrots faster and they are essential for crisping up pea pods that spread little green speed bumps in your way. However knowing when to actively seek fire pins and when to avoid them at all costs is essential. Certain levels such as Level 77 or 90.
- Also check out Candy Crush game download!
Papa Pear Saga – Levels 16- 22
Welcome to Pirates of the Pearibbean! having completed your orientation with the crossing of the rugged Fruity Forest you are well on your way to Papa mastery…only 300 odd to go! I may have said it before but these levels are incredibly important as a learning foundation, each new element to the game is introduced gradually making subsequent harder levels a fun challenge not an overwhelmingly difficult task that leaves you contemplating the effects of throwing your phone into the duck pond…yes well we wont talk about that! ‘
Level 16 sets us off into the blue yonder with the task of lighting up those spunky buckets, with a few obstacles along the way of course. With 90 000 points to earn you are going to need every one of your 20 papas! I recommend initially
Papa pear level 111
Every now and then (and with increasing regularity once you hit triple digits) you come across a Papa Pear ‘speed bump’. This saga is relatively fast paced in the beginning as you gradually get the hang of perfecting your Papas’ speed and trajectory. Admittedly some levels are harder than others but this generally means you haven’t found the right way to complete your objectives, some of these are not as straight forward as they appear…and then there are levels like 111.
This level has a relatively straight forward objective, knock out 45 carrots and earn a minimum of 150 000 points..(please dont forget about the points, trust me there is nothing more frustrating than finally popping that elusive last carrot and coming up short on points) but looks in this case are deceiving as 111 is HARD! it requires a little skill and quite possibly a lot of luck!
First thing you have to do is make some fire pins, remember this is done by bouncing a pear from one side of the screen to the other, in this case it is important that you do this first before the red chilies are destroyed. Now ideally you can create two fire pins by starting full power shot to the top left then quickly full power shot to the top right, this however only works if you time it right otherwise the two papas hit each other as they cross in the middle. Play around with this opening shot, you may make it work shooting two pins to the left or right. I believe that having at least two fire pins on the board is essential for success, the two fire pins already on the board at the start are near impossible to activate on their own and the best role they play is to extend the life of your fire papa.
What makes this level tricky is simply the positioning of the carrots in between the bamboo pieces. The carrots on the bottom corners are relatively easy to hit if you activate a fire pin to clear the first row of berries and crack a space in the carrots to activate the grenade pin within. A handy tip to remember is if you hit a grenade pin (the green ones) with an already flaming papa, this papa then inflates even further in size creating far more surface area and increasing the likelihood of burning up some orange crunchies!
Managing your Papa Pear friends and Facebook
Weirdly enough not everyone enjoys gaming (I know right?) In fact there are those who get downright cranky when a notification lands on their facebook page or *gasp* shock horror ends up in their newsfeed! Good news is there are some great ways to feed your need for lives and level hopping assistance without upsetting those delicate friends!
- Find your allies! Throw out a Facebook status calling upon all friends who play Papa Pear to shout out and let you know, I know the app tends to make up lists of people who play (and who it thinks should play) but these cant really be relied on, especially if someone is not too tech savvy, they may have authorised the game accidently to try and figure out what it is. You’ll end the debate once and for all with a status, you’ll find out who plays and needs lives as bad as you, who sympathises and is willing to help out (usually farmville fanatics!) and who really doesn’t care, like, or can’t stand game requests…yep they have a way of letting people know, GENERALLY LOUDLY!
Once you know who your ‘true’ friends are start making a smart list, create this in your privacy settings and add people by clicking on ‘Friend’ this will give you the option to delete or ‘Edit Friends list’, enter this and add them to your smart list! then its a matter of simply selecting this option when posting to Facebook (public, friends, acquaintances or GAMERS!)
- You can add random fellow Papa Pear fans securely by restricting their access to your personal information, it pays to regularly check your privacy settings anyway!
- If you are
Papa Pear Saga – levels 8-15
Papa Pear Saga hints, tips and tricks
Papa Pear Saga – Levels 1-7, an introduction.
Welcome to the first stage of your Papa Pear journey, or as its commonly known ‘the Fruity Forest’. Like with most games the first stage is dedicated to introducing you to all the different elements a game has to offer, and the developers at King are in my opinion experts at this! They manage to demonstrate a little of everything you need to know in a way that sucks you comfortably in!
Level 1 and we meet Papa Pear, the single hit acorns and the ever delicious carrots! And we discover you can only have three Pears on the board at the same time as we try to claim a minimum of 10 000 points.
Level 2 mixes up some berries with the acorns and we realise that these take three hits to remove, you can tell where they are in this cycle by their colour. Again this level is about learning the ropes as you aim for a minimum of 15 000.
Level 3 brings with it Some hot and juicy chilis as we try to aim for a more respectable 18 000 or higher. This level demonstrates why it is not always wise to wipe out all of your carrot pins in the beginning, lose this bottom layer too quickly and you will have nothing to bounce off.
Level 4 lets us meet the super cute and ever handy blueberry squishies. These grape surrounded blue pins are a permanent fixture of the board, they cannot be removed and play a useful role in adding extra bounce to your Papa Pears, learn to use them wisely as you aim to collect 15 000 points!
Level 5
Papa Pear Pins – Special booster pears

Some Papa Pins in action!
Papa Pear booster pins are the equivalent of Candy crushes’ special candies and super combinations. Get your Papa Pear thrown around the board in just the right way and you are duly rewarded with one of five special pins that each have their own distinct flavour of goodness! Once on the board pins must be hit by a Papa Pear to be activated, depending on the action of the pin the Pear will then